Glass House Country Bowls Club

The Place For You

At Glass House Country Bowls Club, our mission is to provide an inclusive and friendly environment for bowling enthusiasts of all ages and abilities. Test your skill in the Ladies', Men's or Mixed Pairs competitions, or get the jack rolling with a fun social game. Whether you are relatively new to bowls or an experienced player looking to hone your skills, you will feel right at home at our bowls club on the Sunshine Coast. 


We have a full range of facilities, from our pristine green to the on-site bar and restaurant. You don't need to be a member to play, but if you'd like to get involved in our great community, we'd be happy to have you. We accept new members year-round and host regular social games and competitions. 


So, if you're looking for a great way to stay active and make new friends, come join us at Glass House Country Bowls Club. For all enquiries, reach out to our friendly team on (07) 5496 9311

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Opportunities for All Ages & Abilities

Glass House Country Bowls Club has a rich history dating back to 1936. We're proud to be a part of the Sunshine Coast community and are dedicated to promoting lawn bowls and encouraging people of all ages to experience this fun and social game. 


Lawn bowls is a great way to stay active and offers players an opportunity to connect with the wider community. It's an enjoyable game for people of all abilities too, making it a fun day out for first timers and veterans alike. Enjoy a one-off social game with your family or friends or get serious with weekly competitions. Plus, with our full bar and restaurant facilities, you can enjoy a well-deserved refresher after your games are finished. 


So come down to our club on the Sunshine Coast and join us for a game. We look forward to seeing you on the green! 

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We host a range of weekly competitions across different divisions, including Ladies', Men's and Mixed Pairs. Our members also take part in sponsored days and district competitions.

Junior bowls is a great way for young players to learn the art of the game. With structured after school coaching sessions, under 18's can gain confidence in their technique and socialise with other juniors.

You won't need your dancing shoes for this one—barefoot bowls is a fun and relaxed way to enjoy a game of lawn bowls with friends. For further enquiries regarding barefoot bowls and other events visit Club Glass House

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